Avoid the Crash and Burn at School this year

My favorite quote from students is, “I know I do better on tests when I study.”

This quote usually follows a conversation similar to this:

Student: “Aw, my grade on this test stinks!”
Teacher: “Did you study?”
Student: “Nah. I didn’t think I needed to.”

Most students and experienced teachers will acknowledge that studying will help improve retention of coursework and result in higher test scores. So why won’t students study?

In my fifteen plus years of teaching/tutoring, I have found that students have learned one study method and then try to inefficiently apply it to all subjects. As students advance to higher grades, the more challenging materials require diversified methods of study. After students’ grades have begun to plummet, then a private tutor is hired to help the student “catch up.”

Thinking proactively, ClubZ! Tutoring Services can jump in before a crisis arises.

“Learning Built to Last” is a proven study skills program endorsed by ClubZ! Tutoring Services. Great for students struggling in multiple subject areas, students with learning disabilities, students who are stressed out, and students who have not had success with studying in the past.

Every student is unique. Hence, every student learns differently. It is necessary to determine whether a student is a more Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Sequential, and/or Global learner, thus allowing for lessons to be created that capitalize on each student’s natural method of learning. Which type of learner is your student?

Academic success comes through learning how and when to apply the most appropriate strategy. Studying for a vocabulary test requires different preparation from studying for a math exam. Practicing each of the twenty academic tools covered in the “Learning Built to Last” Study Skills Program helps students know how to tackle each subject effectively and efficiently.

ClubZ! Tutoring Services for the Grand Strand area offers three packages for the “Learning Built to Last” Study Skill Program: Deluxe (30 hr.), Standard (20 hr.), and Short (12 hrs.). Call ClubZ! Tutoring Services in the Myrtle Beach area for more information. 843-65CLUBZ