Blank Page
A blank page beckons to fill its pages with thoughts and creative insights. Katherine Tandy Brown will lead a session at the Technical College of the Lowcountry (TCL) to fill the blank pages of a journal to engage the engine of an individual’s writing journey.
Ms. Brown will use Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within as the road map to guide attendees through a series of timed writing practices. Revolutionizing the writing world in 1986 with her perspective as a seasoned writing instructor and a longtime Zen practitioner, Goldberg encourages writers to trust themselves and preaches a gentle and forgiving attitude toward craft, while adhering to the rules of traditional writing practice. "Writing practice works to 'free the writer within' for a writer of any genre and any age by eliminating the self critic, that scathing voice which tells a writer the work-in-progress is not good enough. Writing practice boots that critic right out the door, allowing a writer to simply write in his or her own voice," says Brown.
Katherine Tandy Brown has been a successful freelance writer for 20 years and has led a wide variety of writing workshops on freelance, travel, memoir and peaceful life writing (based on meditation and recollection). She is also a Coaches Training International writing coach.
Writing Practice Workshop is a Life Enrichment offering of the TCL and is appropriate for the beginning writer, experienced writer or lapsed writer. This course is offered Saturday, August 6 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at TCL’s Beaufort campus. The cost to attend this seminar is $69 per person.
- To register for any Life Enrichment offering call 843.525.8205.