Tonight, September 27, from 5 p.m. to close, Saltus River Grill is hosting a benefit evening for the Leukemia &Lymphoma Society.
A portion of proceeds from the evening's sales will be donated directly to lifesaving cancer research. R
eservations are encouraged, but not required; call (843) 379-3474.
Here are more details about the event:
Two of Beaufort's Leukemia & Lymphoma Team in Training members, Will Messmer and Kelly Hartman, are leading the charge for this benefit event, in hopes raising money for research and awareness for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This benefit evening is one of multiple efforts by both runners to reach their combined goal of $6000. Both are participating in various regional marathons, for a total of 39.3 miles, raising money in honor of Messmer's father, diagnosed with – and now in remission from - Lymphoma in October 2011. With help of Team in Training's coaches, mentors and strict training plan, both Messmer and Hartman remain dedicated to and optimistic about reaching their goal.
"We are happy to help our patrons in any way we can," said Saltus River Grill Owner Lantz Price. "This is an important cause, and one particularly important to me, as my father is a Lymphoma survivor. I believe it's definitely possible for us to help make a positive impact."
For more information on the benefit evening, visit www.saltusrivergrill.com. For additional information on the Team in Training and/or the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, www.teamintraining.org.
The restaurant is at 802 Bay Street.