St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Ridgeland, SC, has invited Santa Claus to join them for "Pictures With Santa" on Friday, November 30, from 4 to 6 p.m. (no appointment necessary).
A visit with Santa makes for great photos and includes free candy canes and maybe even some homemade cookies! Captured Moments Photography (509B Adventure St, Beaufort SC, www.cmoments.com ) will be there to take the best digital images anywhere! This is a great opportunity to have photos taken of the kids and family, so come on by!
Captured Moments Photography offers a variety of single photos or package deals for your choosing. Please call them at 379-0223 for more pictures information.
St. Paul's United Methodist Church is located at 7488 West Main Street, Ridgeland SC 29936 (next to the Post Office).
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to St. Paul's.
(Please, do not bring pets or take your own photos during this professional session. Thank you.)