Flickr user woodleywonderworks
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As of Monday night at 9 p.m. Beaufort had recieved about a thrid of an inch of rain as a cold front advanced and forecasters think even more could be on the way on Monday, along with a threat of tornadoes and high winds.
The National Weather Service writes that not only will rain likely be around Sunday night but on Monday there will likely be"severe thunderstorms ahead of a strong cold front Monday afternoon and evening and a few thunderstorms could become severe with damaging winds large hail and even an isolated tornado, especially between 2 and 11 p.m."
We'll keep you posted on changes.
The forecase high and low are 85 and 69, respectively.
Update September 27, 7:30 a.m.: Heavy rains came through Beaufort around 2 a.m. leaving a nightly total of some half-an-inch, as recorded at the Marine Corps Air Station. Forecasters still expect more rain to come largely this afternoon and evening along with the chance of high winds and thunderstorms as a cold front approaches.
The expected high and low have been shifted down to 83 and 65.
Here's the current radar image (updated every hour and shows an animation of the last hour.)
Normally Monday is a very busy day because people descried to complete their pending work on that day. Corporate Video Production Rates. And rain is water is very dangerous when it stay on the road or street due to these lots of disease born.