Flickr user Chocolate Reviews
Updated Dec. 1: Better late than never we suppose, but WTOC has caught up with the folks over at the Chocolate Tree to discuss how its owner, Pat Green, has been inducted into the Candy Hall of Fame.
Check out the video below.
First reported Oct. 20: On Saturday evening, October 23, the legend of Beaufort's Chocolate Tree will be covered in chocolatey goodness forever, the store's Pat Green is being inducted into the Candy Hall of Fame.
Alas, the ceremony won't be local but in Florida as 11 others are also being honored at the National Confectionery Sales Association's annual meeting.
The Island Packet has a nice post about the soon-to-be news and has some nice background on Green and her store; take a read here.
Though it is a little surprising that there is surprise over the cat being out of the bag as a release has been floating around since at least February.