5:33 am on Sunday January 22, 2012
| Posted by Katrina Robinson
Eviction rate skyrocketing purportedly skyrocketing in Beaufort County
Flickr user waltarrrrr
According to local landlords, evictions are continuously increasing across Beaufort County.
Landlord Gil Daniel was quoted in The Island Packet as saying evictions have "doubled, maybe even tripled, just in the last year." In fact, Daniel himself was involved in 16 eviction cases just last week.
Read more about the details of how eviction works and its frustrating presence in our community over at The Island Packet.
The recession is a very obvious presence in Beaufort County, with residents losing their jobs or having to cut down the hours that they are able to work — however, Beaufort County has been relatively insulated from the higher unemployment rates, having one of South Carolina's lowest.
In November the state average was 9.9% and Beaufort County was 7.4%