Gov. Mark Sanford will attend a special Port Royal Town Council meeting at 4 p.m. on Monday, September 27, to discuss the future of the Port of Port Royal.
updates at bottom
As you may recall the Town Council has been at odds with Sanford as its perceived that he's standing in the way of the port's sale.
The primary issue is how much of the port will be reserved for a public park.
The town and state don't have a lot of time to resolve these issues with a buyer hanging on the line and the imminent expiration of the council-approved land plan that governs the future of the port property.
For more on the Port of Port Royal check out our topic page.
Update September 21: We've just learned that the special meeting has been moved to 4 p.m. I've updated the time below as well.
Updated September 27: We have a clearer picture of what today's meeting is going to look like thanks to an email from Port Royal Town Councilman Joe Lee.
Here's what Lee says:
The council will be in session at 4PM. Council and staff will present the port project from the first activitiy in 2003 thru to today. We will show all the various plans that have been proposed and end with the current plan from 2006. We will show the time line. We will also document the steps that by law, must be followed for any changes to the current PUD and Development Agreement--including the many public hearings available at each step. We will then give the Governor time to respond and question staff and council, then anyone who has filled out a speaker form--available at the door--will be allowed 2 minutes to address the assembled group. The meeting will adjourn at about 5:30.