Flickr user ckphotography
After a not-too-eventful Beaufort County Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, a final meeting of the School Closure Task Force is slated for today, July 20.
The task force will meet from 3 to 6 p.m. Wednesday at Okatie Elementary School.
The task force is then expected to report its recommendations and findings to the school board during a work session Thursday, and the board could deliberate the recommendations during another work session Friday.
Agendas for two-day work session have not been posted.
Where we last left off, Port Royal and Shell Point elementary schools were at the top of the recommendations.
A final decision is expected October 1.
If you'd like to share your thoughts directly, the school task force members are listed below by the regions they represent.
Hilton Head Island Cluster
- John Duncan kabutsi@hargray.com
- Kim Bratt Kim.Bratt@beaufort.k12.sc.us
- Larry Meyers navy@roadrunner.com
Battery Creek Cluster
- Michelle Morgan aglgm@hotmail.com
- Mary Ellen Parks MaryEllen.Parks@beaufort.k12.sc.us
- Christine Jeter cr.jeter@yahoo.com
Bluffton Cluster
- Emily Bierman emabiergal@aol.com
- Dr. Kathleen Corley Kathleen.Corley@beaufort.k12.sc.us
- William C. Shumake wshumake@hargray.com
Beaufort Cluster
- Teresa Jepson 6jepsons@embarqmail.com
- Donald Gruel Donald.Gruel@beaufort.k12.sc.us
- Herb Gray hgray@graycoinc.com
Whale Branch Cluster
- Deenie Everly tomdeeni@embarqmail.com
- Priscilla Drake Priscilla.Drake@beaufort.k12.sc.us
- Joe Kline joenkline@yahoo.com
A total of eight schools are up for possible elimination: James J. Davis Early Childhood Education Center, Hilton Head Island Early Childhood Center, Broad River Elementary, Shell Point Elementary, Shanklin Elementary, Lady's Island Elementary, Port Royal Elementary, and Robert Smalls Middle School.