Flickr user lydur
Geothermal borehole house
The Technical College of the Lowcountry has received a $25,000 grant from the S.C. Energy Office to establish a Geothermal Training Center.
Honestly, we're not quite sure what that means, so you should probably check out the full press release here.
Seriously though, geothermal energy uses power that has been extracted from heat stored within the earth and is increasingly valued for being cost effective, reliable, sustainable and environmentally friendly. Thank you, TCL press release writers for your clear definition.
According to the release:
"Geothermal energy is the newest addition to TCL’s alternative energy education programs that already include components in solar, wind, and tidal energy. TCL has building construction, CAD, and civil engineering instructors who are Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design –Accredited Professional (LEED AP) certified. In addition, TCL is a U.S. Green Building Council Member."
You can find out more about the alternative energy program's on TCL's website.