Earth Day 2012 fell on April 22 across the world, but down at Tybee Island just outside of Savannah the community woke up to a very none-earth day scene: a beach littered with trash.
The day before marked the annual "Orange Crush" beach party event that draws thousands of college-age partiers to the beach.
Check out the video of the aftermath up top.
The beach party that had at one time been sponsored by Savannah State but has continued despite the school distancing itself and recommending that students not attend the event. The 2012 event appears to have been loosely sponsored with only a Twitter account (@OrangeCrush2K12) appear tethered to any official sponsor, Get 'Em Girlz.
Clearly there are questions that will be raised for answering, but for my measure:
1) If the event has an official sponsor, why were police (or other government officials) at the beach that day not making sure they had also reasonable capacity to clean up.
2) Why did police not enforce anti-littering rules? At beaches in South Carolina (like Hunting Island, a state park, or Folly Beach) it is typical for law enforcement officials to write hefty fine littering tickets to litterers when trash is not picked on the spot.
This is a little outside our usual coverage area, but we'll be tracking this and update when we hear more, but also watch the "STOP Orange Crush 2013" Facebook page.