From VisitSouth Charleston, SC:
Ok, trust me. The next Pecha Kucha Night “PKN6” is being held on May 19, 2010 at 7:30 in an undisclosed location in downtown Charleston; tickets are $5; and you should get them now before they sell out.
Still not convinced? Read on.
Pecha Kucha Night provides a behind-the-scenes look at Charleston’s creative community. Japanese for “the sound of conversation,” Pecha Kucha is a global showcase for creativity. Started in Tokyo in 2003, Pech Kucha Night is now held in cities around the world. The show-and-tell part comes in with a unique presentation style that allows each presenter to share 20 images, for 20 seconds each, for a total of 6 minutes 40 seconds. It’s the perfect amount of time for those of us with short attention spans, but also creates a unique forum for creatives of all kinds to share their story and work in a unique format.
PKN6 will feature six presenters and the location will be revealed three days before the event. The real treat is, you never know what to expect. You could see the inspiration for a new fashion line, a look into a designer’s creative process, a dance or theater performance, a cooking demonstration, you name it!
Here are things you need to know about Pecha Kucha Night:
1. Pecha Kucha Night is for creativity and not for profit.
2. Pecha Kucha Night presentations are typically 20 images x 20 seconds each
3. Pecha Kucha Nights are about exposing the hidden creativity in a city.
4. Pecha Kucha Nights are held in social spaces.
5. Pecha Kucha Night is a true social network.
6. Pecha Kucha Night is about thinking and drinking.
7. Pecha Kucha Night is about the live event – not an LCD screen in your home.
8. Pecha Kucha cities sign a simple hand shake agreement to join the network.
9. Pecha Kucha Nights are held in over 135 cities.
10. Over 4,000 people have already presented.
11. Pecha Nights are organized by artists, designers, students, architects, etc.
12. Everybody who runs a Pecha Kucha Night has a day job.
Due to the popularity of this event, tickets are limited to two per person/purchase.
Insider tip: Get your tickets before they sell out, or you may find yourself with the rest of the procrastinators in the “overflow” location – which is about half the fun.
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