Anita Zucker, Pearlstine Distributors and Trident United Way invite you to learn more about developing, growing and sustaining employee volunteerism at the CVC’s Quarterly Meeting and 2nd Anniversary Celebration. Anita will share how encouraging employee community service makes good business sense. She and Corporate Volunteer Council members will offer strategies that will strengthen your work force, your company and your community.
The event is Thursday, May 24, 11:30am-1:00pm at Pearlstine Distributors on Daniel Island. Lunch will be provided.
Trident CVC is a national award winning council that brings together civic, government and business leaders who wish to extend their employee volunteer programs into a sustainable community investment. CVC membership is free and open to executives and staff of companies both big and small, who are interested in and/or committed to creating or strengthening employee volunteerism in their workplace. Come join us on May 24.
To RSVP: http://www.tuw.org/volunteerCVC.asp
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