Image by Staff photo illustration, base image by Flickr user pmarkham Image by 20091109-write.jpg
Do you keep tabs on dozens of blogs? Love Charleston? Can you not get enough good local coverage?
Well then you might have the right stuff to join TheDigitel's writing team. We're looking for a few folks to spend 5 to 10 hours a week writing about their community.
Your time will likely be spent covering live stories, interacting on social media, reporting about other great local reporting, and everyone's favorite: rewriting parts of press releases.
If you're not yet familiar with us, TheDigitel.com is a hyperlocal online media site that does primary reporting and "context aggregation" in Charleston. What this means is that we're the gateway for all things local.
We already have a couple generalists that write about all things Charleston, but we're looking for folks that have a niche interest in Charleston (say, sports or food) and also live in various parts of town. -- Essentially, we want beat reporters.
If you think it's a chance to get paid to write about the parts of Charleston you love ... well, we're glad you're seeing it like we see it.
Here's what you need to apply
- E-mail jobs@thedigitel.com with subject line "Writer application for Charleston"
- A brief bio. Just tell us about yourself, no need to get all formal.
- Two posts written in the style we use at TheDigitel.com -- be sure to include a brief list of article tags. Don't know what to write about? You could plug interesting work at another site, plug a Flickr photo set, write about a band, or just do some opinion.
- Tell us your current computer and photo/video set up - if any.
- Your contact info (you don't have to live in Charleston, but you should know the town.)
- You need to be at least 18, sorry.
- Bonus points for anything creative you can add.
Pay? Here's the deal
If you've got 20 years of experience, you're almost certainly out of our range. But if you just want some extra cash and to get some more experience while getting paid, then we're your sweet spot.
Our pay is a two-part system: 1) We pay a small stipend per piece to cover the basic time spent finding a story, tagging, self-proofing, etc. 2) We add a bonus on top of that as your articles get more page views.
The system allows us to pay a flat fee, but reward more labor-intensive pieces that draw more traffic. Trust us, primary reporting you do gets more traffic than when we promote someone else's work.
When to apply
We're looking to find some folks sooner than later, so there's no official end date, but if you spot this ad two months out: Well, it's probably closed.
Ask 'em below or e-mail jobs@thedigitel.com