7:10 am on Thursday September 27, 2012
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60-year-old shoots at boyfriend for calling ex
Flickr User: Zsolt Vajda
gives a new meaning to "Granny get your gun..." ammirite?eh?
We normally think of Grandparents (or that age group) as being level headed, wise with sage-like advice but even at age 60 jealousy can rear its ugly head.
WPDE NewsChannel 15 reported on a domestic disturbance call in Conway that involved a woman shooting at her boyfriend six times for talking with his ex-girlfriend on the phone and not letting the alleged aggressor listen in.
But wait there's more! The victim wasn't technically allowed to contact his ex due to a court order but he asked his current live-in spitfire if she could call the ex (presumably with the current girlfriend's phone, you know to skirt the law and all).
Hop on over to CarolinaLive for the full story.