6:05 am on Thursday February 4, 2010
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
Starting Charleston Photo of the Day
The Charleston Photo of the Day feature to highlight one photo a day that we think does a great job of capturing Lowcountry life or a current event.
Sometimes that photo will be by Digitel staff, but more often than not we'll be highlighting work by someone in the community. Each day a photo will be showcased at the front of our homepage slideshow along with information about the photo and a link to the photographer's Web site.
While these photos will often be recent, we don't want to limit the work by date, especially as we're in a region with so many great photographers.
If you'd like to have your work featured, drop us an e-mail at photoftheday@thedigitel.com or add it the Flickr photo group.
To keep up with the latest featured photos, check the home page each morning. In fact, if you go to the homepage right now you'll see one.