Image by Geoff Marshall/TheDigitelImage by 20090819-critical-mass.jpg Charleston loves its bikes: Critical Mass bike rides are typically held the last Friday of each month; learn more about it over here.
Ed's note: This is part of our College of Charleston guide page.
Walking really sucks sometimes. Parking your car in Charleston sucks even more.
If you're late for class, trying to meet your friends out for some drinks, or just trying to go somewhere your legs can't take you then consider some of these alternatives.
See the rest of our College of Charleston guide stories.Riding a bicycle is the best way to get around in Charleston. The upside of having a bike goes beyond the health and fun benefits, it also means you don't have to pay for parking. Invest in a solid U-lock for maximum security. Bikes tend to get stolen around these parts.
Where to get a bike: pawn shops, CofC bike auction, Craigslist, WalMart, The Bicycle Shoppe, Charleston Bicycle Company
For those of you skillful and willing enough to take on the bricks and potholes, skateboarding is a great choice for getting around town. Long boards have proven to be the weapon of choice, but you'll also see your fair share of the standard short boards. If you're especially badass, you'll get your hands on an electric skateboard.
Where to find a skateboard: Point Break, Las Olas and Quicksilver on King Street. You can also head over to Continuum Skate Shop on Spring Street for some more boards.
You've seen them around town, the yellow carts being towed around by sweaty bikers. Love them or hate them, they are an efficient way to get around town on the cheap. Prices vary, but for a 10 minute ride you’ll only have to fork out around $5. It is always a good idea to befriend the pedicab drivers, having a friend in the biz gets you picked up much faster than your regular tourist.
How to catch a pedicab: Call (843) 577-7088 for Charleston Pedica or (843) 532-8663 for Charleston Bike Taxi.
Mopeds are a sweet way to maneuver around town and have super low gas mileage. They make parking a breeze, you can pull up on sidewalks and squeeze into spaces without having to pay a dime. Make sure you watch out for other drivers, people already have a hard enough time using turn signals here. Also, be sure not to get slammed with a DUI on one of these fun machines.
Where to get a moped: Craigslist, pawn shops, American Biker, classifieds
CARTA (aka the bus)
Sure, the bus has never been the coolest way to get around, but it works. The CARTA system will take you virtually anywhere you need to go around the greater Charleston area, even to Folly Beach. You can find bus schedules online or at the Visitor Center on Meeting Street. College of Charleston students get to ride for free -- can't beat that with a stick.
Our next College life installment will be featuring free ways to have fun around Charleston.