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On November 7th through the 9th, ASCD, a membership organization that develops programs, products, and services essential to the way educators learn and teach will be holding a series of two- and three-day professional development institutes in Myrtle Beach.
The ASCD will present Upgrading the Curriculum: How to Replace Dated Content, Skills, and Assessments to Engage 21st Century Learners which will draw from their book, Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World.
“We are proud to present this series of high-impact institutes. This new series of institutes is part of our ongoing effort to support educators at all levels with important instruction on two of the most challenging topics educators are facing today: 21st century curricula and the Common Core State Standards.”
-ASCD Executive Director and CEO Dr. Gene R. Carter
via Press Release
On November 7–9, ASCD will present Upgrading the Curriculum: How to Replace Dated Content, Skills, and Assessments to Engage 21st Century Learners. Drawing on the groundbreaking, best-selling ASCD book Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World by Heidi Hayes Jacobs, this engaging institute presented by curriculum mapping experts Marie Alcock, Mike Fisher, and Bill Sheskey will provide educators with
- Step-by-step strategic revisions for curriculum and instruction in the K–12 setting;
- New, practical approaches to assessment using digital portfolios, video podcasting, and open-source software; and
- Actionable plans for engaging colleagues and school leaders in implementing 21st century practices.
On November 7–8, ASCD will host two additional two-day professional development institutes focused on the Common Core State Standards. Leading the Change to Common Core State Standards: Essential Tools for Schools and District Leaders, presented by ASCD faculty member Judy Carr, will provide school and district leaders critical insight about
- How to use the new Common Core State Standards to prepare students to be college and career ready;
- How to facilitate the adoption and implementation of the standards; and
- How to assess and monitor progress in implementing the standards in their school or district.
Implementing the Math Common Core State Standards in your Class, School, or District, led by ASCD faculty member Nanci Smith, offers educators at all levels
- An understanding of the shifts in classroom norms and instruction based on the Standards for Mathematical Practice;
- A guide for how to cluster the standards into manageable units; and
- A strategy for unpacking the standards for curriculum, instruction, and future assessments.
For the full press release click on through to ASCD.com, you can find more details on the presenters and lectures here.