5:37 pm on Wednesday July 2, 2008
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
Coast bartender wins Bacardi Mojito Challenge
Image by BacardiImage by 20080623mojito.jpg
Coast's Head Bartender John Aquino pulled in his third award for Charleston's Best Mojito for this year's Boysenberry Lychee Mojito. His drink will be available nightly after 5 p.m at the downtown restaurant.
Runner ups were Thoroughbred Club, SNOB, and Sienna.
The 2008 Bacardi Mojito Challenge offered 13 different styles of mojitos made by Charleston's restaurants. Some 800 attendees voted to determine the best mojito, after enjoying all-you-can-responsibly-drink mojitos. The 4th annual event was held at the South Carolina Aquarium, on June 25.
You can view a slew of photos from the event on CharlestonPictureCompany's Web site.
Proceeds went go to the Special Olympics.