If you have ever thought about acting professionally, then audition the Footlight Players' 'Match,' a play by Stephen Belber and directed by Robert Ivey.
Interested? If so, then head over to the Robert Ivey Dance Studio on November 9 or 10 at 8 p.m. They are casting 2 males and 1 female.
Here's a bit about the play from an e-mailed press release:
As the play begins, Tobi is visited in his apartment by a married couple from Seattle, Mike and Lisa, who have come to interview him for Lisa's dissertation on the dance scene in the 1950s and '60s, when Tobi enjoyed his brief heyday. Lisa eagerly asks him questions about the past, and the ever-chatty and clearly lonely Tobi responds with a torrent of anecdotes punctuated by humorous comments and asides. The taciturn Mike, a cop who clearly has little interest in the arts, mainly observes. But when he starts interjecting hostile, pointed questions about a particular period in Tobi's life, it soon becomes clear that the purpose of the couple's visit has to do with more than scholarly research. Playing January 30 through February 15, 2009.