We're in full-throttle post-holiday doldrums, so instead of a teaser for a new of a rocking concert, I offer you something different to stimulate your hungover mind on this chilly Sunday morning.
It's an account of the early Carolina colony and the city of Charles Town in the 1680s by Samuel Wilson, shared today by Tom Wilson for The Moultrie News.
In part:
Samuel Wilson reported to Earl Craven that cattle thrived in the pastures of the Lowcountry and that he [Wilson] believed that Carolina could supply [the] northern colonies with salted beef cheaper than they themselves [could do]. According to Wilson, hogs do even better in this area, and a single settler can easily raise 300 hogs with no trouble since hogs forage for themselves.
It's a wonder that Earl Craven wasn't tempted to sail out to Carolina to see this bountiful new land for himself, but by 1682 the astute Londoners were well-used to the hyperbole used by colonial administrators. Ever since Richard Hakluyt published in 1582 his Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America and the Islands Adjacent unto the Same, Londoners had been hearing tales of the New World that were almost too good to be true.