Image by Flickr user Terence J Sullivan
Come one come all to the Contemporary Charleston 2010 opening reception of the Piccolo Spoleto Festival Exhibition at the City Gallery at Waterfront Park.
The opening reception is being held in honor of the local artists who have created work especially for the exhibit.
So what is Contemporary Charleston 2010? The exhibit features 10 local visual artists who are creating works specifically for the exhibit that have been inspired by the work of 10 local poets. The visual artists and poet match-ups are as follows:
• Artist, Timmy Pakron and Carol Anne Davis, poet
• Artist, Benjamin Hollingsworth and Paul Allen, poet
• Artist, Scott Debus and Brian Penberthy, poet
• Artist, Kat Hastie and Katherine Williams, poet
• Artist, Sarah Haynes and Dennis Ward Stiles, poet
• Artist, Jocelyn Chateauvert and Carol Peters, poet
• Artist, Max Miller and Morrow Dowdle, poet
• Artist, Julio Cotto and Jonathan Sanchez, poet
• Artist, Hirona Matsuda and Marcus Amaker, poet
• Artist, Lynne Riding and Ellie Davis, poet
All the visual artists will hold lectures and demonstrations regarding their contribution to the exhibit on the following dates:
• June 5: Scott Debus and Jocelyn Chateauvert
• June 12: Kat Hastie and Lynne Riding
• June 19: Hirona Matsuda and Julio Cotto
• June 26: Timmy Pakron and Sarah Haynes
• July 3: Max Miller and Ben Hollingsworth
The exhibit will be open from May 20th through July 3rd. The City Gallery at Waterfront Park is located at 34 Prioleau Street, downtown.