2:15 pm on Wednesday May 11, 2011
| Posted by Katrina Robinson
Three Charleston artists pay tribute to the classic film 'Three Amigos'
Image by BadJon Some of BadJon's killer work.
'Three Amigos': that hilarious comedy with Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Chevy Chase. You're not the only one that loves that flick--three local artists love it so much that they've devoted an entire art show to it.
From 6-10 p.m. on Friday, May 13th, the Three Amigos Ride Again, For the First Time Art Show will take place as a celebration for the grand opening of Local Coffee Bar (1331 Ashley River Road). The art show will feature works by Meta Sapient, Proton Factories, and BadJon (Charleston City Paper contributor Jonathon Stout). "Our art is an entity," Stout says, "it's bigger together than it is by itself."
Charleston City Paper has more in-depth details; check 'em out here. And to RSVP to the event, check out its Facebook page.