In hopes of drawing more visitors with spending dollars into downtown the City Of Charleston, County Of Charleston, and Republic Parking will be offering two hourse of free parking at many of the parking garages.
Open this PDF voucher, print it out, and redeem it for two free hours at the parking attendent — it's valid from November 25 to December 31, you'll have to pay for any time over two hours.
Here are the participating garages:
- S.C. Aquarium Garage,
- Camden Exchange Garage,
- Concord & Cumberland streets,
- Wentworth at St. Philip streets,
- County Garage at King & Queen streets,
- Majestic Square Garage,
- Francis Marion Garage, East Bay & Prioleau streets,
- 34 St. Philip Street Garage,
- 93 Queen Street,
- Visitor Center Garage,
- County Garage at Cumberland & Church streets
There will be many events throughout the season in downtown Charleston, get a rundown here.
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