Oliver! from Steven Fiore on Vimeo.
3:47 am on Wednesday April 27, 2011
| Posted by Amanda Click
Steven Fiore and Haley Shaw live at Eye Level Art
Image by Flickr user Plucker
Singer/songwriter Steven Fiore and Haley Shaw are playing a show at Eye Level Art this Thursday evening.
The two will be sharing stage time from 8 to 11 p.m. on April 28th at the 103 Spring Street Gallery.
Back in 2008, The Charleston City Paper had this to say about Fiore's sound:
Songwriter Steven Fiore has been recording music for only four years. Upon taking even a perfunctory listen to his music, however, one might think they were listening to a young Dylan.
If you've never heard Fiore before, go ahead and watch his music video for his song "Oliver" posted above. You'll be hooked.