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Join us on November 21st, from 3 to 7 p.m.for Charleston Community Sailing's 4th Annual Oyster Roast.
Head out to Bowens Island for a beautiful sunset, live bluegrass, steamed Lowcountry oysters, BBQ, beer, wine and other beverages.
Tickets prices for the event are as follows:
- $30 for adults in advance
- $15 for kids over 12
- Add an extra $5 to ticket the prices for all tickets bought at the door
The mission of Charleston Community Sailing is to provide access, facilities and sailing instruction to anyone, regardless of socioeconomic background, skill level or physical ability. Charleston Community Sailing Inc.'s purpose is to engage the lives of children and adults, in unique learning experiences through innovative programs to build character and promote a healthy spirit, mind and body.
All proceeds will go to Charleston Community Sailing and to raise funds to match a challenge grant in memory of youth sailor Peter T. Marenakos. Please help us raise $20,000!
Click here for more information or call (843) 607-4890.