12:44 pm on Tuesday July 14, 2009
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
Potter mania comes to Charleston tonight
Image by Flickr user remuz Image by 20090714-potter.jpg
We haven't had a chance to call around to all the theaters in town, but it looks like the two big shows will be at Cinebarre in Mount Pleasant and the Terrace Hippodrome in downtown.
Cinebarre's going the outdoor route and showing on their new inflatable screen. More than 600 are expected to turnout for the show, costumes, face panting, butterbeer, trivia, and so on.
Tickets are available for $10 -- max attendance is above an astonishing 1,000.
The Hippodrome is putting on its own massive show ... but incase you're wanting to measure sticks, the downtown theater has probably outdone themselves by following their midnight show with a 2:45 a.m. show that hasn't quite sold out yet.