Image by City of Charleston An aerial view of the park looking south. The SC Aquarium is in the bottom left.
Work is already underway to redvelop the mostly-unused Concord Park on the peninsula's eastern edge.
(Details on the construction updates over here.)
The City of Charleston, in conjunction with their design consultant Cole Jenest & Stone, is hosting a drop-in public meeting to review the proposed Concord Park, to be located on Concord Street between Calhoun and Laurens Streets. The meeting will be held at the site of the proposed park. The meeting will be Tuesday, October 4, between 5:30 and 7 p.m.
There will be tents on the site for the meeting. The public is encouraged to stop in and provide feedback on the plans.
The purpose of this third public meeting is to share the progress of the park plans since the schematic phase and gather feedback on the updated design.
The city has hosted two public meetings to date on Concord Park. The first meeting was in 2008 to gather input from the public on what they would like to see in this new city park. The second meeting was in later 2008 to share the schematic design plans for the park and gather feedback. The park plans were put on hold late in 2008 due to market conditions and were restarted in early 2011.
Rain location for the meeting is the Charleston Maritime Center at 10 Wharfside Street.