For most, having an earthquake drill in South Carolina seems a bit out of the ordinary, but the threat is all too real. The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut aims to educate the masses about just what to do in case of an earthquake.
On Thursday, April 28, many Charleston area businesses, schools, and government offices will take part in The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut. (To find out who is participating in this event in South Carolina, visit the participants page.)
The last earthquake to hit South Carolina was on March 21 in Chesterfield County. According to the South Carolina Seismic Network, the 2.9-magnitude quake was one of six earthquakes of magnitude 2.0 or greater in the state in the past two years and are frequent visitors in the Summerville area.
Of course, one of the most damaging earthquake to occur in the Southeast United States and one of the largest historic shocks in Eastern North America occured in Charleston on September 1, 1886, with a magnitude 7.3.
- Photos from the Charleston Earthquake in 1886.
- Read an excerpt from the San Francisco Chronicle from May 6, 1906.
Mapped faults and shear zones that run through South Carolina include the Brevard fault zone, the Pax Mountain fault system, the Eastern Piedmont fault system, the Georgia rift zone, and the Helena Banks fault. Seventy percent of the state's earthquakes occur in its Coastal Plain.