12:45 pm on Friday April 22, 2011
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
It's raining 30,000 eggs: The Charleston Egg Drop is back
Image by Flickr user Robert S. Donovan
One of my favorite local Easter events is back on Sunday, April 23: The Charleston Egg Drop.
Somehow the concept of dropping 30,000 stuffed eggs from a hovering helicopter as kids rush in is so ridiculously fantastic.
Yeah, madness.
The Coastal Community Church is putting on their 3rd Charleston Egg Drop where kids from age two through fifth grade are welcome to participate. All contestants are eligible to win numerous prizes like candy in every egg, a Nintendo Wii, Sony PSP, cash, iPods, Rock Band, and gift certificates.
Free registration begins at 10 a.m., and the Egg Drop commences at noon at 460 Arlington Drive in West Ashley, and get more details on the event's webpage.