6:44 am on Sunday December 27, 2009
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
Number 6: Another year filled with odd weather
Image by Flickr user Hildeborg
More often than not, the weather is generally a big story in Charleston.
Yet this year was quite different. There was no substantial tropical storm activity in our area, and we've had one of our wettest Decembers ever.
And in keeping with the spirit of the topic, I'll also remind you of the two stories you probably forgot: The OMG we had a couple snow flakes day back in February, and the amazing water spouts that served as backdrop to the Cooper River bridge.
It's also been very interesting to watch tracking of the weather news shift towards the near-real time medium of Twitter.
Which ties in nicely to our next item in the Top 10 Stories of 2009, That You Probably Forgot About.