Flickr user cristina.m
Update 4/23 too late: You should've drank more coffee.
Update 4/22 today!: Today is the day to score your free cuppa. Let us know which local Starbucks are participating by tweeting us or writing on our Facebook wall.
Anybody want to try taking in a 64 ounce mug? Just tell them it has a fancy name for that size. It shall be named "The Kraken".
First Reporting: On Friday, April 22nd Starbucks will be giving away free coffee and tea to all their customers who bring in their own travel mug.
This Earth Day celebration is a national promotion for Starbucks. Around the Beach we have several Starbucks; however, I believe only three of them are Starbucks corporate-owned. Those being the Hwy-17 North Myrtle Beach location, Broadway at the Beach and Coastal Grand Mall. The rest of the Starbucks locations througout the Grand Strand are licensed stores. However, in my experience, the licensed stores often participate in Starbucks corporate promotions. So, make sure to call the Starbucks closest to you and find out if they are participating in this promotion.
Read all about it on Starbucks Blog
Find them on Facebook
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