Image by Flickr user Let Ideas CompeteImage by 20080819woods.jpg We don't know if the new SCPRT Web sites will help when you get lost in the South Carolina woods, but they can help you get there in the first place ...
The S.C. Dept. of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism has launched a couple of handy Web sites for both South Carolinians and visitors on the move. The sites are:
Check out the agency's press release here, and Charleston Regional Business Journal also has a write-up on the Web sites.
From the SCPRT:
(The Web sites) contain key information about South Carolina attractions, events, lodging, shopping, golf courses, state parks, and even a select group of uniquely South Carolina restaurants, in a format suitable for the small screen.
“Visitors appreciate the ability to get travel information while they are on the move," (SCPRT director Chad) Prosser added. "South Carolina’s new mobile Web sites will provide quick and relevant information about our state to everyone using a Web-enabled mobile device. This initiative helps us provide visitors with information when and how they want it, which will promote increased visitor spending in our state."
Definitely exciting news for those trying to get information on their iPhones and similar devices, and it's nice to see state agency's addressing the need for more mobile information formats.