Image by Flickr user D.Clow - Maryland
The newest public park on Daniel Island has an amenity befitting a twenty-first century gathering place -- free public Wi-Fi.
The availability of Wi-Fi service in Governor’s Park represents the second deployment of the Charleston Free Wi-Fi network that was launched this spring at Marion Square Park in downtown Charleston.
“I am pleased to announce an expansion of the Charleston Free Wi-Fi initiative to Governor’s Park, made possible through a partnership with Home Telecom”, said Charleston Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr.
“Supporting the Charleston Free Wi-Fi network in Governor's Park is Home Telecom’s way of showing its commitment to keeping our local communities connected affordably", said Will Helmly, President of Home Telecom.
When a visitor to Governor’s Park connects to the Charleston Free Wi-Fi network, their browser will take them to a landing page with instructions and terms of service to access the Wi-Fi network.
Funding for the deployment of the Charleston Free Wi-Fi Network in Governor’s Park was made possible through an agreement between Home Telecom and the Charleston Digital Corridor Foundation.
To learn more about the Charleston Free Wi-Fi Network, visit CharlestonFreeWiFi.com/di