Image by Flickr user Zlatko Unger
We all know that the beach (particularly the ocean) can be a dangerous place--but on Wednesday, it became a different, strange kind of dangerous when two mortar rounds were discovered on Folly Beach.
It's estimated that the rounds date back to pre- or early World War II, and everyone's wondering how in the world they made their way to our beach. While mortar rounds can certainly be dangerous, no one was hurt, fortunately.
"As the erosion slides out, we don't know what we're going to find," Folly Beach Mayor Tim Goodwin said. "We hope we don't find any more of those things, though."
What should you do if you find something odd on Folly? Don't touch it, and immediately notify the authorities or lifeguards. And don't stop to take a picture with your cell phone--electronic devices can actually be harmful around explosives.
Get the full scoop on how the mortar rounds were discovered over at The Post and Courier's report here.