Local low pants outcry mirrors nation's

It's not just in Charleston and Jasper that people want baggy pants gone, and are willing to look to the police to make it so. Riviera Beach, Florida, Atlanta, Trenton, New Jersey., Delcambre, Louisiana, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Lynwood, Illinois, and so on have all looked into or approved low pants bans.

The Winston-Salem Journal writes about how their city has seen a grass-roots move against the style:
Young, who on Monday proposed that the Winston-Salem City Council ban sagging pants ... sat on her porch holding petitions bearing the names of people who support her call for a ban. She told the council that she has collected more than 600 names, and volunteers are coming forth to help her gather more names . They call themselves Citizens Against Sagging.

"Everyone is willing to sign them," Young said, "because they are sick and tired of seeing them, too. I know it can be done because it has already been done in other cities."

Thanks to Charleston City Paper for tipping us off.

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