Here is a look at what folks were saying on Twitter and other social media outlets last night, October 17th before, during and after the first District 7 debate with Gloria Tinubu and Tom Rice.
We've tried to be fair and include equal sides in the debate commentary compilation, also included is links to other media write-ups about the night and video of the whole debate.
Our very own Melissa Byers was there last night and we expect a write-up by her later today, so stay tuned.
If you missed last night's debate, there will be another one this coming Tuesday, October 23rd, read more on that here.
[View the story "Race for the 7th: First Debate" on Storify]
Race for the 7th: First Debate
Storified by TheDigitelMYR · Thu, Oct 18 2012 06:22:21
7th Congressional District Debate 2012wpdenewschannel15
7th District Congressional candidate debateDemocrat Gloria Tinubu and Republican Tom Rice squared off at Myrtle Beach High School Wednesday evening in a debate.
MYRTLE BEACH - Rice and Tinubu aim for same target with different arrows - Top News - MyrtleBeachOnline.comOn specific issues, Rice said he's against unions. Tinubu said she supports them. Tinubu supports the Affordable Health Care Act. Rice wo...
RT @JoshSummerford: TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS! #teamrice #SC7 #7thcddebate #scpolitics http://pic.twitter.com/ff36tJu2Stephanie Rawlinson
Great job by @MichaelMaely & @TimMcGinnisWPDE on tonights #SC7 debate. Thx MM for the Georgetown port Q.Randy Hollister
Wonder if the #nation is going to start paying attention to the #sc7 now #p2 #p21SC the People
RT @Rocky: Apparently Tom doesn’t know that there is a welfare to work program & it’s doing quite well: http://myrtlebeach.thedigitel.com/politics/south-carolinas-welfare-work-... #SC7Gloria BromellTinubu
Tom Rice wants to apply 'means testing' to Social Security, Medicare http://nblo.gs/DBEGW #sc7 #sctweets #scpol @gloria4congressJamie Sanderson
RT @myrPaul: "You can choose unicorns/rainbows or death/poverty. Your choice." #SC7Not Now
@NancyYates66 Yes, I watched it. Dr. Tinubu seemed more focused, less "canned" than Tom Rice. It is a real contest now. #SC7 #SCTweets #MYRThatBozGuy@TheBeach
Conservative Tom Rice: Stark difference. Higher taxes or more economic freedom. Bigger government or more freedom. #sctweets #SC7TomRice for Congress
Gloria is literally cooking Rice. #teamtinubu #sc7Michael E. Martinez
RT @myrPaul: It's like watching someone with a PhD in Economics debate a CPA. #SC7 #SC7th #myrIan Guerin
get the economist in #Washington so we can have a true budget w/ separated expenditures #sc7Mckean Nowlin
Rice explains alternative solutions to Ocare. #SC7Randy Hollister
Preach it! RT @TomRiceSC7 Rice: "Government needs to let business expand; let them be prosperous." #SC7 drewcollins
how do you do that w/o gov't ... make insurance affordable by requiring everyone to buy in... it's all about economic incentives #sc7Gloria BromellTinubu
People of #SC7..please vote Gloria Tinubu...we already have already elected boatload of Tom Rices for our state, we need something new.SWG
Tinubu endorses Obamacare, says Rice doesn't care about people. #SC7Randy Hollister
Rice powerfully rejects socialism when Tinubu. Tinubu defends but doesn't like the term. #SC7Randy Hollister
Tom Rice just called Socialmalism. Gloria knocked it out the park. #sc7SWG
Affect these changes now! RT @gloria4congress: we need to move #Forward on all issues that effect this #sc7 districtZach Pippin
Tinubu just said "knowledge economy"… she's speaking my language. #SC7Paul Reynolds
@gloria4congress this race is the same ol' same ol' vs. smart and new. I really hope smart and new wins. #sc7SWG
Rice says no public money at risk until jobs in place. #SC7. @scrnnewsRandy Hollister
Tinubu Q to Rice re Project Blue. #SC7Randy Hollister
Tom Rice now crapping on the disabled and American With Disabilities accommodations act. #gopfail #sc7 #sctweets #teamtinubuBlue South Project
ADA pool lift Q. Tinubu ducks. Rice strongly opposed to the rqmt. #SC7. @scrnnewsRandy Hollister
Rice: "Government needs to let business expand; let them be prosperous." #SC7TomRice for Congress
RT @TomRiceSC7: Rice: "We need to promote entrepreneurs to bring jobs back to America." #SC7Patrick Coxe
the question what questions... answer the damn question... enough of the generality @TomRiceSC7 try to be honest #sc7SC the People
Tinubu says right to work has hurt SC since 50's. #SC7 @scrnnewsRandy Hollister
Tom Rice says no to extending unemployment benefits. Tinubu says yes. Clearly she'd with the #47percent #sc7 #sctweets #teamtinubuBlue South Project
Tom. Rice. BOSS STATUS. #SC7 #VoteTomRiceSC7Allison Rhodes
Rice affirms SC right to work. @scrnnews #SC7Randy Hollister
Rice: "We need to promote entrepreneurs to bring jobs back to America." #SC7TomRice for Congress
Again, a good deal of respect is being shared between substantive disagreement. #SC7 http://fb.me/1Y8Cpv88jTheDigitelMYR
Wooooo Tinubu showing some moxie. Rice is making too much national commentary, IMO. #sc7Paul Reynolds
everyone in #sc7 is for dredging the port in Georgetown.Mckean Nowlin
Rice strongly supports Georgetown port. #SC7Randy Hollister
Tinubu ignores tourism Q to talk again about training. #SC7Randy Hollister
We need more #job creation and #education that are #local. don't chase after those that aren't here to support our communities. #sc7Gloria BromellTinubu
Tinubu parrots Obama on role of govt. Rice calls for limited. #SC7Randy Hollister
Rice: "You have a choice. Bigger government or less government." #SC7TomRice for Congress
I think Tinubu is the stronger public speaker. #SC7 #myrPaul Reynolds
we need to move #Forward on all issues that effect this #sc7 districtGloria BromellTinubu
Gloria Tinubu opens talking jobs. Tom Rice? #regulations. #sc7 #teamtinubu #sctweetsBlue South Project
Tom Rice needs to understand global economics. #sc7 #sctweets #teamtinubuBlue South Project
@TSN_BDickerson: #sc7 Debate: "I'm here because the country is on the wrong track." - Tom RiceAmanda Kelley
And we're live! #SC7 #teamriceCelia Urquhart
At the #SC7 Debate. Applause was about equal, but the Tinubu had more vocal supporters. drewcollins
RT @MBforFamilies: Are you tuned into the #SC7 debate tonight? You should be! Stay informed, my friends.Nora Hembree Battle
TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS! #teamrice #SC7 #7thcddebate #scpolitics http://pic.twitter.com/ff36tJu2Josh Summerford
About to begin the debate! #sctweets #SC7 http://pic.twitter.com/9NT4dGvRTomRice for Congress
looking forward to the #sc7 debate on @wmbfnews . go #teamTinubu!Mckean Nowlin
Almost ready for Act II. We're reviewing the rules. Evidently there is no heckling allowed. We'll see... #SC7 http://fb.me/AxZJxsF8TheDigitelMYR
I think james carville just fell asleep, or worse... #wpdedebate #sc7 http://pic.twitter.com/bh0iV3DsMarshall Staton
RT @tsn_stevejones:#SC7 debate: Matalin asks if there are any undecideds in audience and no one speaks up, claps or raises a hand..Amanda Kelley
We're front and slightly off-center at tonight's debate for the 7th. #SC7 http://fb.me/LyBXsGTvTheDigitelMYR
We're front and slightly off-center at tonight'sFacebook
Can't make it to tonight's #SC7 debate? Don't worry CCU, The Sun News & WBTW News13 will be hosting round two on... http://fb.me/1DyIBiXYcTheDigitelMYR