Image by Flickr user Mark Stosberg Image by 20090923-bike.jpg Alien markings on a foreign highway.
Update September 27:
The paper received a number of responses to Burger's piece, most of which are pretty insightful. Read them here.
First reporting:
After a bicyclist riding on the sidewalk hit his car, The Post and Courier's Ken Burger writes:
Read more stories on this subject in our bike topic page.
So, what would it take for the city police or campus police to get out of their patrol cars and actively enforce the rules of the road on bicyclists?
Well, for starters they'll have to stop riding bikes on the sidewalks themselves.
You can read his rant at the paper's Web site.
Of course the reason we see cops on the sidewalks is that in many areas of town it isn't wise to ride your non-road bike on the roads. Until the City of Charleston takes creating bike paths as seriously as it does planting palm trees along those same roads, we'll keep seeing the same problems.