Flickr User: Adam Kuban
We won't go into the details as to what "Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day" was or why it came about because we're sure you've all heard by now.
Locally, as well as around the country lines were out the doors and cars wrapped the building as people waited for their chicken sandwiches and waffle fries.
The Skycam at WMBF News has been pointed at the Myrtle Beach Chick-fil-A on Mr. Joe White Avenue most of the day, where the drive-thru line has been wrapped around the building. Hopeful diners have parked as far away Pier One Imports and Office Depot in hopes of walking out with a chicken sandwich in hand.
The reports were similar across Myrtle Beach media outlets; however, only WPDE News Channel 15 mentioned the counter protest planned for this Friday, August 3rd
via WPDE
Proponents of same-sex marriage have their own protests planned including a "National Same-Sex Kiss Day" to be held at Chick-fil-A restaurants nationwide...
Additionally, Myrtle Beach's Joe White Ave. Chick-Fil-A location made its way onto the popular social news and lulz website, BuzzFeed in a post titled, "'Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day' Brings Out Thousands." The photo used was that of Charles Slate from The Sun News, find more of their photos here.
Media round up: