TheDigitel was front and slightly off-center at last night's pre-game presentation by Mary Matalin and James Carville, and the District 7 debate between Tom Rice and Gloria Tinubu. Here are our top three takeaways with some moderate paraphrasing.
The interaction between the candidates was respectful despite being light years apart on the issues. Much time was given to the topic of jobs and business.
When asked how he will bring jobs to the 7th district, Tom Rice stressed less regulations for businesses to create a fertile environment that nurtures their success and growth. Gloria Tinubu was asked the same question and her focus is on the education and training of the workforce, maintaining and enhancing infrastructure, and recognizing businesses that are loyally operating in our district.
Early in the debate, Tom Rice stressed the importance of having an experience economic developer on his staff if he's elected. Gloria Tinubu pointed out that she is one. Of course that only matters if you agree with her policies.
Last, this exchange between the candidates is just too delicious to leave out.
Tom Rice: Aren't your policies a lot like socialism? This is the land of opportunity. We don't guarantee outcome.
Gloria Tinubu: You can't come up with anything more creative? We're talking about public policy. Government is a social enterprise . Seriously?
You can watch the debate in its entirely below, including the "Seriously?" exchange which starts with the question "Does President Obama help or hurt your campaign" at from 29:35 and goes to 31:57, courtesy of WBTW on YouTube.
Check out our social media roundup of what folks were saying about the debate here. The Sun News also has an informative article.