The S.C. Bar Young Lawyers Division (YLD) will hold its annual Families Forever Fair on Saturday, Feb. 9, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Felix C. Davis Community Center located at 4800 Park Circle.
The fair offers free information on adoption, including resource materials and one-on-one consultations. Attorneys, agencies and other vendors in children's services will be on hand to answer questions, provide helpful resources, and encourage families to consider foster care and adoption. Several brief adoption workshops will also be available during the fair. Sessions include:
Session 1
Workshop A: Adoption 101—Explore the process of the different types of adoption and learn where to start.
Workshop B: Domestic Infant Adoption—Explore the legal process of domestic adoption, the role of the attorney, requirements and the adoption process.
Session 2
Workshop A: DSS Adoption—Learn about public adoption programs, domestic and foster care adoption, available children, requirements and procedures.
Workshop B: Financing Adoption—Where there is a will, there is a way: Creative ways to finance your adoption.
Session 3
Workshop A: International Adoption—Requirements, accreditation and choosing a country.
Workshop B: Parent Panel—A group of parents that have adopted children (domestic, international and DSS) will share their wisdom and experience with the process.
Space in each session is limited, so attendees are asked to register online at www.scbar.org/adoption. For more information, contact Jacqueline Bond Anthony at (843) 577-7557.
The YLD includes all members of the S.C. Bar under age 36 and those with less than five years membership.
The S.C. Bar, which has a membership of more than 14,000 lawyers, is dedicated to advancing justice, professionalism and understanding of the law.