7:05 am on Sunday November 14, 2010
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
Don't get dressed for this run: It's the annual Pajama Run (update: oddball photos)
Update November 14: The Post and Courier has a short report and some nice shots of the goofy run/walkers -- how can you not love a shot of a woman running with her birds?
Yep, that's right, it's the run for all of you go-getters that can't be bothered to get out of bed 10 minutes earlier.
The third annual Pajama Run is this Saturday, November 13, at 10 a.m. in front of Joe Riley Stadium and will wind up and around Hampton Park.
Prizes will be given out for the best pajama outfit.
It's $25 before November 12 and $35 for race day registration, but if you register by November 5 and use the code PJ5K you'll save $5.
The run benefits the MUSC Hollings Cancer Center for cancers below the waist. The event has raised more than $16,000 and drew over 350 pajama-clad runners and walkers in the past two years.