Flickr user Badruddeen
Sunset Volleyball at a Maldives Resort
Every wonder why you live at the beach but never see any beach volleyball? We have the perfect location for it. Sand, surf, easy access and great amenities. What more do you need?
Thanks to a new promotion by Bud Light Lime, Myrtle Beach is serving its own volley into the beach volleyball world. Bud Light Lime is conducting its first ever National 4 on 4 co-ed tournament along the stand. Part of a national campaign, Myrtle Beach will see a total of 4 tournaments held at various locations around Myrtle Beach with the top 2 teams from each tournament advancing to the finals where one lucky team will go onto the National finals to be held in Miami, Fl to compete for title and $20,000.
The final preliminary tournment will be held at Remedies on July 16 at 1PM. The top two teams of this preliminary tournament will compete against the top two teams form the three other preliminary tournaments. The Bud Light Lime Myrtle Beach regional tournament will be held August 13 at 2:00 pm at The Boathouse on the waterway.
This may be the event that reinvorgrates beach volleyball along the Grand Strand. Only time will tell.