Teach the Need
Teach The Need (TTN) – a program designed to train local, at-risk youth for “front of the house” restaurant careers – is celebrating a major milestone this month: the organization has successfully expanded to eight area high schools, pairing 110 young mentees with 16 professional mentors representing top local restaurants.
To honor the commitment shown by the schools, professionals and students, Charleston Place Hotel will host a celebratory tour and luncheon. On Monday, October 21 and Tuesday, October 29, the hotel has invited the entire program for a behind-the-scenes tour of the hotel and its numerous functions.
The morning will start with a tour at 11 a.m. and conclude with a seated luncheon that makes the students the day’s honored guests. Banquet captain Samuel Deveraux and other hotel personnel will weave in lessons in service along the way.
“In just one year, Teach the Need has grown and matured to an amazing degree,” said Mickey Bakst, Charleston Grill general manager and TTN co-founder (with entrepreneur Michael Miller). “We were thrilled when the hotel management invited us to bring the kids and their teachers in for a celebration and a bit of education.”
Teach the Need provides food service training courses to area high schools in an effort to help underprivileged young adults develop the skills and confidence needed to secure a job in the food and beverage industry. Restaurants interested in hiring graduates are encouraged to contact Bakst at mbakst@charlestongrill.com.
In coordination with the Charleston County School Board and 16 volunteers employed at area restaurants, the six-week course teaches students to excel as well trained members of a service industry team.