Image by TheDigitel A look at the winners of local precincts in Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester counties. Grey precincts show areas where a final tally was not available.
While Mitt Romney managed to pull off a win with Charleston County voters in Saturday's Republican primary, it didn't stop Newt Gingrich from winning by a landslide.
Gingrich took 40.4% of the 601,166 votes cast and Romney took 27.8%.
Coming in third, Rick Santorum was at 17%, then Ron Paul at 13%, and the Herman Cain-John Colbert bid with 1.05%, or 6,324 votes.
Gingrich won by the largest margins in the Upstate, Aikien, and Myrtle Beach areas. He also dominated across the board in exit polling on topics ranging from limiting abortions, religious beliefs, and the economy.
- Charleston County: Romney (36%), Gingrich (32.6%), Santorum (14.6%), Paul (13.9%), Cain (2.3%). Precinct level map.
- Berkeley County: Gingrich (36.7%), Romney (26.8%), Santorum (21.6%), Paul (13.2%), Cain (1.1%). Precinct level map.
- Dorchester County: Gingrich (36.8%), Romney (27.5%), Santorum (21.1%), Paul (12.8%), Cain (1.1%). Precinct level map.
For detailed state-wide and county level results, head over to SCVotes, and The New York Times has an excellent graphics page with a county-level map and detailed demographic data.
The Times also has a robust written report.
The South Carolina portion of the primary storm has now mercifully passed, and now descends on Florida for a January 31 primary.