Image by Flickr user eürodäna Image by 20090204-confederate.jpg
The would-be governor, banner of baggy pants and foul language, and resurrector of video poker, has one more grand idea: Require that all cities and counties in South Carolina give a paid holiday on May 10, Confederate Memorial Day.
Who is this mystery person? You guessed it, Robert Ford.
To be clear, the bill would require that cities and counties give paid holidays for all of the state's holidays, and there's only one that's generally not: Confederate Memorial Day.
Ford says that he's doing it as it was part of his original plan when he won passage of a state holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Read more stories on this subject in our Robert Ford topic page. It's just perplexing, especially given the state's dire economy. The last thing we should be doing is giving more of our local cash reserves away.
I'm not going to argue why it's bad too much, as I think it's pretty obvious and you can get a good beat down on the idea over at The Indigo Journal.
Update February 4, 2 p.m.: The Post and Courier has some solid analysis of the situation and proposal. Go read it.