It's a Stiletto Stampede! (updated x4 with more videos)

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Charleston Fashion Week got going in style today with the "Stiletto Stampede."

Read more stories on this subject in our Charleston Fashion Week topic page.Around a hundred folks woke up early Saturday morning to run down Houston Northcutt in Mount Pleasant in 3-inch heels.

Why, you ask? For $10,000 in prizes to the first to cross the line, and $1,000 for the best costume.

Greg Orsimarsi was the winner, but some folks were none to shy in sharing their unhappiness with Orsimarsi "non-standard" heels.

One of my favorite costumes was the "octuplet mom," and here's a shot of the contest winner -- I'll call it the "euro costume."

Fun stuff.

Carolina Nightlife is sharing some pictures of the event. And, I'm pretty sure that's the first wave of pictures and videos that will be popping up in local media. We'll be sure to connect you with rest, so check back here.

Update March 22: The Charleston City Paper has added a video of the run (they get bonus points for keeping in the Stiletto Cam footage).

Update March 22, 5 p.m.: Reader Hansje Gold-Krueck sent in a bunch of nice pictures. Go check 'em out.

Update March 23: The Charleston City Paper has added a write-up from the event.

Update March 25: This morning PDA added a swell 4 minute video of the race and contest. Go see it.