From the 2013 Annual "Novel" Wine Tasting and Literary Festival
FREE ENTRY! Set on the grounds of September Oaks Vineyard, the only family-owned boutique winery in the area, the Second Annual “Novel” Wine Tasting, Arts, and Literary Festival will host nearly 60 authors, artists, and musicians from the Lowcountry as well as from across the country, representing a myriad of writing genres, for a day of book sales and signings.
There will be musical performances, readings by authors, children’s face painting, a Living History Civil War encampment by the Sons of Confederate Veterans Colonel Charles Jones Colcock Camp #2100 (they will also be selling hamburgers, steak fries, and beverages, and providing Festival support) and Charleston's Massachusetts 54th, food vendors, and the winery will be holding wine tastings and sales throughout the day.
Miss South Carolina Lanie Hudson is joining this year's Festival as a special guest for autographs and pictures.
September Oaks Vineyards is located at 893 Grays Highway, Ridgeland, SC 29936.
For more information about the Festival, please contact Jack Gannon and Cyndi Williams-Barnier at:
843-597-0912 (Jack)
843-301-7090 (Cyndi)
Visit the Festival’s page at www.facebook.com/annualnovelwinetastingandliteraryfestival
Visit the September Oaks page www.septemberoaks.com
Call September Oaks 843-726-9463
For more information about the Sons of the Confederate Veterans please visit their page www.colcock2100scv.org/