Katie O’Dea-Horne occasionally gets asked about the large old building a few doors down from her gourmet grocery.
For nearly 18 months, the Conway businesswoman has run Back to Basics Natural and Organic Co-op at 412 Main St. Less than a block away sits the brick monolith that for decades served as the Horry County Museum. County officials donated the property to the City of Conway last year after the museum moved.
“They’ve asked if the museum is still there,” O’Dea-Horne said of her customers. “I’ve had one person that even asked if the post office was still there. I don’t even know how long the post has been gone.”
The building, which was constructed in the mid-1930s, hasn’t been a post office since 1977. And after more than 30 years as a museum, the structure may wind up being a city-run banquet hall.
“This is a wonderful building,” said Myrtle Beach architect Greg McFarland. “[But] it needs some work done to it.”