Freedom to Marry, a pro-gay marriage organization out of New York is funding the "Southerners for the Freedom to Marry" campaign which is co-chaired by U.S. Rep Jim Clyburn (D-Columbia).
"the campaign will push to grow public support for same-sex marriage. About two dozen lawsuits challenging bans on gay marriage are pending before state and federal courts in Southern states, and Freedom to Marry hopes that building public support for same-sex marriage can influence those judges’ decisions [...] “Freedom to Marry’s national strategy has always been to build a critical mass of states and support to create the climate for the Supreme Court to bring the country to national resolution. We don’t have to win within every state, but we have to win enough states,” said Evan Wolfson, president of Freedom to Marry
South Carolina, of course, has a ban on same sex marriage; however these bans are being challenged across the country and are being overturned due to the recent Supreme Court ruling. The challenge of this ban is already starting to hit the courts in SC. As The State points out in their write-up:
A Lexington County couple wedded in Washington, D.C., where same-sex marriages are legal, filed suit to challenge South Carolina's gay marriage ban last year. S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley and Attorney General Alan Wilson are fighting the lawsuit.
The $1 million dollar effort will focus on social media, television ads, and "field organizing and sharing the stories of gay couples through local community and business events."
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